Thursday, May 24, 2007

Turnaround Time

At long last, my IHSS paycheck for April 06 (yes 2006!) has been fixed and I finally got it Wednesday! Lost "hours of care" for my dad that hadn't been properly (by law) given to him that month have been finally paid. It took 13 months to resolve and it would have been so much simpler to just give up the fight, which I'm sure a lot of people do, which is partly why agencies like this get away with it. It was a pretty extreme bunch of hoops I was made to jump, a lot of time spent waiting as IHSS dragged it on, and on, and it's great that I can finally put this particular issue behind me. Now financial goals I'd had to put off are finally in the works! Booyah! or whatever. This means I can also begin to make other plans that I also had to cancel or postpone last year. Seems like I've had a lot of bad luck the past year and it's time for a turnaround.

While all this has been going on I've been spending as much time as possible working on music. It's something I can really zone out with and gives me an outlet for some volatile energy that could be explosive and maybe unhealthy if not expressed somehow. For a variety of reasons I have not been doing anything related to animating :( I'm going to return to the world of animation, just I've had too many negative things to deal with and it was affecting my attitude toward all creativity. Luckily, music wasn't impacted so heavily, thus that's what I've been working on. There are so many ideas in my head for tunes and it just takes so much time to get any of them arranged and recorded. For the curious, I've posted some samples on my music myspace.

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