Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Sign Says Stop

The handlebars on my cheap Target bike are sideways after a nasty wipeout I had while on a leisurely ride last Sunday. I was on my way home pondering which shot of my AM short film to work on when a dog suddenly jumped out under my wheel right as I was passing a parked car. With no chance to react I flew over the handlebars and landed in a bad way. I severely sprained both hands, scraped my palms, knuckles, right arm, right shoulder, and banged my head. Luckily my head was the last thing to hit the ground so it was just a light bump. I don't wear a helmet when I'm riding so slow on flat residential streets. Now that I know this can happen, I will. Less luckily, I somehow cracked a rib. Sitting upright with one leg stretched out and the other tucked, I collected my thoughts. After a few minutes I decided I was okay to walk my home. Later, a friend drove me to ER.

Typing hurts, but it's tolerable depending on the keys. My hand, though, is gonna be "unmouseable" for a while. I can do a few clicks at a time but anything more ain't happenin'. My right hand is the worst, but both hands are screwy; I am having a hard time doing simple things like opening doors, windows, and taking lids off meds!

So this pretty much is the final hit to my struggle to stay with the program at Animation Mentor. I'll be out of commish for at least a week, and there's no chance at this point. I've made arrangements with the school to take a leave of absence and return later, though I'm not sure when I can retake Class 6. Even when my injuries heal the other things that got me behind in the first place are not gonna be all tidily wrapped up within the next few weeks. You gotta wonder if this is one of those signs from the universe or Jesus or something, like I shouldn't be trying to start an animation career right now; I've already had to put it off for years, but maybe now's not good either. Who knows? If so, the message is clear: I want to go but the sign says stop. At least for the moment.


bobby casumbal said...

Yikes man! I hope you're doing ok now. Maybe the sign is a big yellow "Yield" instead.

It bears repeating: animation takes a lifetime to master. You got time man. When these crappy things happen to us all at once, it's more a sign we need to pause.

Hang in there man! Even though you are going through these struggles (which are indeed very, very intense), I know your passion for animation and art are deep inside you.

I hope you have speedy recovery!

kenny r said...

Haha! yeah, thanks Robert! People have been saying I'm about due for an upswing.

Brian "My Fault" Nicolucci said...

Exactly, the universe was conspiring to get your ass back animating!!

I gotta say that it kills me to see bad shit happen to good people and honestly Kenny, you are definitely one of the better people I have had the pleasure of being friends with.

Sue and Dakota both say "Hey K-dawg" and I promise that once I get my new work schedule all ironed out we will be making a trip out your way to hang with you and the Sactown crowd. Represent!! :)

kenny r said...

thanks you guys. brian, maybe you need one of those scheds you don't need to iron.

Rebecca Perez Stodolny said...

OMgosh Kenny!
I can't believe this post! I'm so sorry! I agree with the rest tho... animation is a life long persuit... I know I've been trying for 7 years now... and I'm still not done... baby steps.. and hardcore dedication will get you there... hang in there and keep posting... I'd love to hear an update!
