Saturday, September 02, 2006

First Hand

I've never been this badly injured. Even doing bike stunts as a kid I was careful...-ish. I always saw friends or relatives slam into the pavement or fall out of a tree and break a, uh...limb (I know, puns hurt) and I didn't like how it sorta cancelled playtime. Not to mention the sudden, overwhelming sensation of ow. I fell off my bike a lot, and skateboard too, but the worst I ever got was a chipped tooth. Shamefully, I can't even boast this bash was the result of catching some air or blazing down challenging terrain. I wasn't doing a cool trick or anything, just running over a dog (which was unhurt).

Having limited use of both hands has sorta given me a direct--you could say first hand (hahaha)--experience of what people with permenant disabilities or arthritis (like my parents) go through all the time. Just doing normal things has been a big challenge. I've been trying to be careful because of the pain, but the other day I re-ouched my right wrist. It was beginning to feel a bit better but I put a little too much pressure on it one time, and OWW! Then I did it again last night, when I turned and bumped a table with the Sharpie I was holding. I've gone back to my rx pain reliever, but taking much less than the original dose, and it is working better giving some relief without side effects. Still takin' it easy, trying to be careful but healing seems on track.


Sara Wade said...

Captain Kenny! We miss having you at AM! It's not the same without you... :-(

kenny r said...

Thanks Sara! It's not good being away from campus. You really notice how addicted you are to AM when you're out! Tell everyone hi for me.