Thursday, March 02, 2006


Good grief! The huge storm we had last month tore up our fence, which is more than 20 years old. 60mph- gusts had pushed the rainsoaked fence to a 45-degree lean into our yard, threatening my dad's rose bushes and a yellow flower I planted last year for my mom. I had gone out in the extreme rain and propped up the fence with whatever wood stakes and metal rods I could find that my dad had laying around. The fence hadn't fallen all the way and a few weeks ago when a contractor came to make measurements he had propped the fence upright. After another heavy but shorter storm Wednesday night, the fence collapsed at 2:30 this morning the other way. Luckily the neigbors didn't have any plants along their side of the fence to be squished. Fortunately, my mom's yellow flower plant was not injured.

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