Thursday, March 23, 2006

No Animation, Again

Once again my best plan for getting my animation done has been obliterated by things out of my control. As if stuff wasn't already insane, last weekend I had to take my mom to the hospital. She's doing better now, but having been a hospital bed since Saturday she's going to need physical therapy before she is able to walk without someone (me) helping her. Her doc said she would need more assistance than before. So rather than coming home when discharged she's going straight to a nursing facility for two weeks. After spending nine hours in ER Saturday, the week since has been all about consults with my mom's doctor, discussions with nurses, phone tag with the discharge planner, notifying relatives (most of whom don't visit anyway), and taking my dad to see her. Meanwhile, in other areas there are also phone calls to make and take, paperwork to fill out, appointments to make--I am solely responsible for every healthcare decision for both my parents plus myself. Hell, I'm responsible for everything. And in the background, my tax issue still looms, unresolved. This has not been a simple week.

I think I'm handling it all okay, trying to do a little at a time so it's bite size, but the stress probably has me right at the edge of losing my mind. I'm trying to do (or not do) things to keep my head from imploding (like blogging) and an unfortunate consequence of all this is that I can't concentrate very well creatively. There's little point trying to animate with so many other things running through my mind. It's totally non-productive. I don't know where this leaves my assignment, but it doesn't look good at the moment. I haven't even watched all of last week's lecture video. For weekly AM assignments I've usually found time and inspiration Thursday through Saturday, so I can only hope the ani-muse and extra-time genie pay me a visit in the next few days.


bobby casumbal said...

heya kenny.

I'm sending you out some positive, chill vibes from the bay area.

i hope all things work out for ya. the stress may seem overwhelming, but you are really showing your resolve and strength in such trying times.

peace brotha.

kenny r said...

HaHaa, thanks Robert! I'm sendin' the same to you, man.