Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Holding Pattern

Workers in Sacramento County have been on strike for the past week, so I was really relieved I got my paycheck last week. I had wondered if IHSS staff were also striking. With no response from any of the people I've called or written about my IHSS mess, I phoned my case worker's supervisor yesterday. On her voicemail greeting she said, "I will be out of the office on strike...until we have a contract." Nice. Plus convenient.

I wish I could go on strike whenever my employer subjects me to BS. But can you imagine what would happen if caregivers went on stike? A lot of elderly and disabled people would go hungry, get sick, or hurt. Some of them would die. Most caregivers, however, are taking care of family members, and I doubt any would leave the person they take care of. The state and county know this, and it's one of their pocket aces that allows them to get away with crap. I/we fully have reasons to strike, but it's just not an option.

So instead of getting results I just have to wait around until the county workers' contract is settled, extending even further the already long, drawn-out ordeal of getting IHSS to pay wages they owe me back to April. It's been about 5 months, what's another 3 weeks?

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